아동심리치료학과 동문회



Question about graduate program

페이지 정보

작성자 amylam 작성일2023.02.13 조회319회 댓글0건


Good afternoon, I hope this email finds you well.
I am interested in enrolling to the graduate program of 아동심리치료학과 through GKS scholarship. I have some questions about the curriculum.

On this link (http://adong.hanyang.ac.kr/psychotherapy/page/education.php), they explained all the courses available to select. And on the 학위취득로드맵, it mentioned that 교과과정, 이수학점 : 석사과정 29학점 이상. Does that mean I need to at least take 9 courses beside of the 석사논문연구 to be able to hold 29 학점?

If It is so, I would like to know will I be able to select by my own interest of must it be related to the 연구회 I chose?

Would you be so kind as to explain to me how the program is organized? Thanks in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you.


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